Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Election's Over But We Aren't -- KEEP TWEETING

Hi, there,

Dateline:  November 3, 2010. GREAT JOB everyone -- we've gotten wonderful material in the last few days, with a virtual starburst of material in the last 12 - 18 hours, and I want to thank each and every one of you. This is truly a ground-breaking experience that's giving us a lot to work with in the next few months as we move into the theatrical development stage.


The next 24 - 48 hours will see a waterfall of feelings cascading across the American political landscape, and we want to make sure we capture as many as we can. So PLEASE KEEP TWEETING and begin this morning, with "Day After" tweets.

There are already some great examples of these in the 112poems tweet stream, and I've written a few more to illustrate the kind of thing we hope to see from tweeters all across the political spectrum.

(Please remember that the following twitter poems do not represent my own personal feelings on last night's events -- they are EXAMPLES I've tried to craft from a variety perspectives.)

I will label them as such, although, in the big scheme of self-governance, I tend to find labels extra-ordinarily unhelpful to the democratic process.

OK; here goes. Apologies in advance if I get it wrong from any particular POV. I've deliberately tried to make them dramatic.

SAMPLE TWEET POEM FROM (Imagined) TEA PARTY P.O.V. "America for Americans. Back to the basics. It's about time."

SAMPLE TWEET POEM FROM DEFEATED PARTISANS (Democrats and pre-tea party Republicans): "The world has gone crooked, wrenched on its axis like a swastika."

SAMPLE TWEET POEM FROM THE NEWLY POLITICALLY EMBITTERED WHO STILL HAVE A SHRED OF HOPE: "For sale. One large North American nation. Slightly used. Great fixer-upper."

SAMPLE TWEET POEM FROM THE FRESHLY FRIGHTENED AND/OR POLITICAL OPT-OUTS: "This is a big one. Enough disappointment and even perfectly nice people become fascists. Germany 1932. We have been here before."
OK -- time to log off and get moving through this historic day. Please be continued companions for this remarkable journey. It's been great so far!
All the best,
Dr. Harvey.

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